Saturday, 23 October 2021

Term 3 Lockdown Highlights

 Kia Ora bloggers. Today I will be writing about my Lockdown Highlights. What did I enjoy the most?

I enjoyed the video 5 meteres 80 (High Diving Giraffes). I had to write the description for writing.

Here is the LINK to the video. Here is the LINK to my Lockdown Highlight slideshow. Finish your Lockdown Highlights slideshow from Term 3 and then BLOG about it. What did you enjoy doing the most?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Josie. Super Lockdown Highlights ! You have recorded such a lot of great work. I loved the giraffes video, very clever animation. You have written well, capturing the calm professionalism of those brave giraffes. Maybe you could include how they were feeling leading up to the first amazing dive. Your Zentangle art has special detail. Do you think you could add more and use black pen? ( it would make a great Christmas present!).
    Thank you for sharing your awesome mahi. Keep it up. Have a lovely weekend.


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